I am valued by God...
Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
May 3, 2011
May 3, 2011
“English sparrows. They're worth barely a penny, Jesus said so. Yet of the world's nine thousand bird species, Jesus singled out the least-noticed and most insignificant of birds to make a point.
“If God takes time to keep tabs on every sparrow-who it is, where it's going, whether or not its needs are being met- then surely He keeps special tabs on you. Intimately. Personally. And with every detail in mind.
“The Bible may point to eagles to underscore courage and power, and it may talk about doves as symbols of peace and contentment. But God's Word reserves sparrows to teach a lesson about trust. Just as God tenderly cares for a tiny bird, even making note of when it is harmed, or when it falls to the ground, He gently reminds you that He is worthy of your greatest trust, your deepest confidence.
“How do you approach God today? Maybe you feel like a ragamuffin house sparrow clinging to an empty birdfeeder with no one to care. Stop and remember the facts behind Matthew 10:29. God does care. He notices.
“Try trusting the Lord today as would a sparrow. No questions asked. No fears that He won't come through. Relax in the protection and provision of your great God.
“Father, it's astounding to think that with so many things to care for, You have a heart for people the world considers small and insignificant. Forgive me for not believing that You not only notice but intimately care for every detail of my life. Help me today to believe You for the small things. May I see every detail as an opportunity to trust You.”
I don’t know about you – but the timing of this scripture is perfect for me! Having an empty townhouse that needs to be rented so I can pay two mortgages is a source of stress and anxiety – even though I know it shouldn’t be. SO – I’m practicing the same thing I tell all the ladies who come to our group – trust God – believe that He’s got your back – your front – your sides – He’s surrounding you and ready to provide for your every need! What I’m learning now is that I don’t “need” as much as I think. I “WANT” a lot – but my needs are being provided, and I know that I can trust God to see me through until the townhouse has tenants and my cash-flow improves. “Help me Lord to trust you in this – to rest in the security that You are in control!” I’ll be spending time this weekend watching the little sparrows that come to my backyard to eat – and remembering that just as God has His eye on them, He has His eye on me!
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