Thursday, March 5, 2015

In Christ - I am the righteousness of God

I am the righteousness of God...

II Corinthians 5:21 God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 

I Peter 2:24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. 

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
October 20, 2011
Clothed in Righteousness

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:27

“I often wish I could dress myself. I can't pull on a sweater, button a jacket, or hike up a pair of slacks. This frustrating predicament has driven me at times to God for help. And isn't it like the Lord to give not only grace, but insight. I was reading today's verse and decided to hunt down other references to clothes. Isaiah 61:10 says ‘I delight greatly in the Lord... for He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness.’ There's a similar reference in Revelation 19:8. Even back at the Garden of Eden, it was God who provided skins to clothe Adam and Eve after the Fall.

“Why does the Bible say that God clothes us when it speaks of our righteousness? Then it hit me. Garments of salvation and robes of righteousness are things we cannot provide for ourselves. God provides the salvation and the righteousness - yes, we can clothe ourselves with Christ as it says in today's reading, but it's His righteousness, not ours. Righteousness is something that God does to us and for us. In fact, when we try to impress God by our own acts of righteousness, the Bible doesn't call them clothes, but ‘filthy rags’ (Isaiah 64:6). Can you imagine putting on a garment which you sewed out of smelly, soiled rags? I now have a whole new perspective on my ‘robe of righteousness’ whenever someone dresses me!

“The Lord Jesus Christ is our garment of praise, our robe of righteousness, our garment of salvation. Put Him on today and delight in all that He sacrificed to clothe you in something so precious, so priceless...His righteousness.

“Lord God, I want to be clothed in Your righteousness, not righteous acts performed through my fleshly effort. I put You on today. Help me to put off sin and self-centeredness and anything that detracts from Your glory. You are my robe of salvation and I couldn't be dressed in a finer garment!”

It can be hard to see ourselves as “His righteousness,” can’t it?  After all, we live with ourselves 24/7 – we know every thought we’ve had – every choice we’ve made – every time we’ve blown it – in the last hour!  We can pretend to be “holy” – put on the veneer of Christianity and say all the right things, but down deep we know we’re fakers, right?  Or is it just me?  (Well – I’m not REALLY a faker – but I have been.)  But that doesn’t mean that I find it easy to accept that I am HIS righteousness!  You know what? I’ve come to realize that it doesn’t matter what I think or feel!  As a child of God I AM His righteousness – He has given it to me as a gift!  It does help to remember that when I blow it!  If God chose to give me the gift of His righteousness when I came to Him on His terms – knowing all the thoughts and choices and mistakes I’d make between here and heaven (and He knew them all) – why do I worry that He might take it back?  He won’t!  SO – I can look myself in the mirror and tell myself that “I am the righteousness of God” – not because of anything I have done or will ever do – but because of what Jesus did for me!  Sharon

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911

In Christ - I am a citizen of the kingdom of God

I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God...

Ephesians 2:19  Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household...

Truth for Life
July 10, 2013

Citizens of Heaven

Fellow citizens with the saints.
Ephesians 2:19

“What is meant by our being citizens in heaven? It means that we are under heaven's government. Christ, the King of Heaven, reigns in our hearts; our daily prayer is, ‘Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’1 The proclamations issued from the throne of glory are freely received by us: The decrees of the Great King we cheerfully obey.

“Then as citizens of the New Jerusalem, we share heaven's honors. The glory that belongs to beatified saints belongs to us, for we are already sons of God, already princes of the blood imperial; already we wear the spotless robe of Jesus' righteousness; already we have angels for our servants, saints for our companions, Christ for our Brother, God for our Father, and a crown of immortality for our reward. We share the honors of citizenship, for we have come to the general assembly and the Church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven.

“As citizens, we have common rights to all the property of heaven. Ours are its gates of pearl and walls of chrysolite, ours the azure light of the city that needs no candle nor light of the sun, ours the river of the water of life and the twelve kinds of fruit that grow on the trees planted on its banks; there is nothing in heaven that does not belong to us. ‘The present or the future’2- all is ours.

“Also as citizens of heaven we enjoy its delights. Do they rejoice in heaven over sinners that repent-prodigals who have returned? So do we. Do they chant the glories of triumphant grace? We do the same. Do they cast their crowns at Jesus' feet? Such honors we have we cast there too. Are they charmed with His smile? It is just as sweet to us who live below. Do they look forward, waiting for His second advent? We also look and long for His appearing. If, then, we are citizens of heaven, let our walk and actions be consistent with our high dignity.”

It’s really hard to imagine, isn’t it?  Not only will we be forever in heaven with Jesus – we will be LIKE Him – fully sanctified – freed from everything that wears and weighs us down now.  But – NOW – God sees us already there.  He doesn’t look at us and see a “potential” citizen of His Kingdom – but a citizen in fact!  We have every right – honor – and blessing – NOW. At this moment, you are fully His – you have a rightful claim to the keys to the Kingdom.  Why?  Because you are “in Christ” – and “in Him” we have everything!  SO – hold your head high – YOU are a citizen of the Kingdom of God!  Sharon

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911

In Christ - I am reconciled to God

I am reconciled to God...

II Corinthians 5:18 All this is from God, Who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation... 

“Question: "What is Christian reconciliation? Why do we need to be reconciled with God?"

Imagine two friends who have a fight or argument. The good relationship they once enjoyed is strained to the point of breaking. They cease speaking to each other; communication is deemed too awkward. The friends gradually become strangers. Such estrangement can only be reversed by reconciliation. To be reconciled is to be restored to friendship or harmony. When old friends resolve their differences and restore their relationship, reconciliation has occurred. Second Corinthians 5:18-19declares, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”

“The Bible says that Christ reconciled us to God (Romans 5:10;2 Corinthians 5:18;Colossians 1:20-21). The fact that we needed reconciliation means that our relationship with God was broken. Since God is holy, we were the ones to blame. Our sin alienated us from Him. Romans 5:10says that we were enemies of God: “For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”

“When Christ died on the cross, He satisfied God’s judgment and made it possible for God’s enemies, us, to find peace with Him. Our “reconciliation” to God, then, involves the exercise of His grace and the forgiveness of our sin. The result of Jesus’ sacrifice is that our relationship has changed from enmity to friendship. “I no longer call you servants … Instead, I have called you friends” (John 15:15). Christian reconciliation is a glorious truth! We were God’s enemies, but are now His friends. We were in a state of condemnation because of our sins, but we are now forgiven. We were at war with God, but now have the peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

“Read more:

Reconciliation with God is unlike any other reconciliation we will ever experience this side of heaven.  When good friends – or family – reconcile after a time of anger/separation, there are often left-over feelings/emotions that change the relationship.  We tend to be more guarded – protective – less vulnerable, even when things have been “resolved.”  Why? Because we’re human – and so are the people with whom we have been reconciled – and we both have the potential to cause hurt and pain again.  Not so with God – from HIS side He is fully open – “vulnerable” – He has no need to protect Himself from getting hurt again.  He already KNOWS we’re going to blow it – we’re going to continue to struggle with sin – nothing we do is ever going to catch Him by surprise.  When we come to Him on His terms we are fully and forever reconciled to Him, and He not only forgives and forgets those things that have separated us from Him in the past – but those things that would have separated us from Him in the future!  When we are hurt by someone else, we often bear the scars of that hurt – even after reconciliation takes place.  It’s good to remember that Jesus bears scars, too – scars in His hands, His feet and His side.  But these scars were freely taken by the God who loves us SO much that He gave us His one and only Son so that we could be reconciled to Him forever!  Hallelujah! Sharon

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911

In Christ - I am free from condemnation

I am free from condemnation...

Romans 8:1  Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus... 

Colossians 1:21,22 And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation-- 

Encouragement for Today
Melissa Taylor
September 7, 2011
No Condemnation

“Do you ever hear the whispers of condemnation telling you that you're not what you should be, that you're always disappointing someone and that you'll never change?

“I do. Unfortunately, self-condemnation is a default for me and, if I let it, it can wipe out my confidence as a woman, wife and mom.

“Thankfully, I'm just as familiar with God's promises as I am with Satan's lies. My heart has heard Jesus' gentle reminders of His love and goodness, like His "there is now no condemnation" promise in today's key verse.

“However, although I know this truth that He speaks over me, I've learned that it's up to me to pause and respond to it. If I don't keep my ears tuned to His voice and my mind set on His thoughts, I forget His promises.  Condemning thoughts come back in and drown out the confidence I have through Christ.

“One morning I was struggling with self-condemning thoughts and God guided me to these words written in my morning devotion: ‘Do not listen to voices of accusation for they are not from Me.’ I opened my journal and responded from my heart:
Hello Lord. You know I often feel disappointed in myself and call myself names. You know my feelings have been hurt by someone's comments. Comments that cut me down and stole my confidence. Instead of feeling worthy, I feel like a loser. I hear You telling me not to listen to voices of accusation. Thank You for this reminder right when I needed it.

“The devotion continued, ‘Pause before responding to people or situations, giving My Spirit space to act through you. Hasty words and actions leave no room for Me.’

“Again, I reached out to Him:  Lord, You know I spoke unkind words to my friend. Thank You for gently reminding me to ‘pause before responding.’ You are so faithful to speak truth to me. Thank You for these words—a reminder of what You want from me. I needed this today, right now.

“If left to defend ourselves from self-condemnation or the condemnation of others, we'd be defeated every time. Thankfully we don't have to defend ourselves. In fact, God's Word promises, ‘the Lord himself will fight for’ us. (Exodus 14:13-14, NLT)

“We have the greatest defender in God and His Word. His truths re-build confidence that condemnation breaks down.

“Our part is to know God's promises, respond to His truth, and believe it! Staying saturated in His Word and taking time to listen to His voice is the only way we can overcome condemnation. Reading devotions, digging into books on our specific area of struggle, participating in Bible studies and talking to Jesus through prayer helps re-build the confidence that is ours in Christ.

“As we take the time to listen to Him today, let's ask Him to remind us that He is with us, He loves us, and that it's true: ‘There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.’ And, that means you and me!

“Dear Lord, when I forget, please remind me that I am not condemned. Help me to keep my eyes and thoughts on You. And to accept Your Word as truth so my confidence stays strong in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Last weekend we held the first Post Abortion Healing & Recovery Bible study of the year – we had five beautiful women attend, and it was an honor and a blessing to be able to walk with them through the process of healing!  It was also a good reminder – even after all these years of following Christ and teaching other woman about the importance of winning the battle for the brain – I can still fall into old thoughts and feelings – especially when I’m tired.  SO – Monday and Tuesday were spent telling myself the truth multiple times a day.  What I “know” in my head doesn’t always translate into “feelings” – but I’ve learned to be OK with that – as long as I don’t let the enemy and my flesh control the dialogue!  If you’re having a tough time – and you don’t “feel” forgiven/loved/valuable/etc. – that’s OK.  Keep telling yourself the truth – and don’t let the enemy take up space in your mind.  Instead, fill it with those things that will keep your eyes (and thoughts) focused on Jesus!  Eventually your feelings WILL change!  Sharon

Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911

In Christ - I am complete in Him

I am complete in Him...

Colossians 2:9,10 And you are complete in Christ, Who is the head over every power and authority. 

February 21, 2013
Sitting at Home, Alone
Lysa TerKeurst

"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." Colossians 2:9-10 (NIV 1984)

“They were laughing in their matching neon pink t-shirts with the words "Bethany's Birthday Girls" printed on the front. They were going bowling after school. Then to get pizza. Then a sleep over.

“When Bethany passed out the shirts that morning I pretended to be too busy to notice. I stayed hyper focused on unpacking my book bag into my locker. And then I hurried off to my first class.

“It was clear. Bethany had made a list of her friends and I hadn't been included.

“I thought I would be. We'd gotten together before. I'd invited her to my pool party.

"’No big deal,’ I tried to tell myself all day. I had plans that night too.

“To sit at home. Alone. And wonder why I hadn't been chosen.

“It's been years since I watched those neon pink shirts all pile into a station wagon after school and drive away.

“But it hasn't been years since I've heard the negative inside chatter that ensued afterwards.

"’You're not liked."

"’You weren't invited."

"’You weren't chosen."

“Here's what I wish I could have told my little non-wearing pink t-shirt self back then ... and what I need to remember when those same feelings creep in today ... Don't put the whole of your identity into the smallness of this situation.
Not getting a pink t-shirt that day felt like a defining moment. And maybe it was for that day. I wasn't invited to Bethany's party. And that stunk. But it wasn't a defining moment of my identity.

“It was a moment. And moments shift. People are fickle. People shift.

“In the moment Bethany made the list of who to invite to her party, I wasn't on the top of her mind. Not because she didn't like me, but simply because she hadn't thought about it.

“It was a small situation.

“And I can't put the whole of my identity into the smallness of this situation. Or any other for that matter.

“My pastor used a verse in his sermon recently that echoes these same thoughts, ‘For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ’ (Colossians 2:9-10).

“I have been given fullness. I am filled up by Christ. With acceptance. With love. With all the fullness of an identity that can't be shaken.

“I can place the wholeness of my identity in that reality ... and see everything else as small in comparison.

“Dear Lord, I praise You for Your faithfulness to me in every situation. I don't want to get hung up on the small things of this world. Please help me to place the wholeness of my identity in who You are and the everlasting acceptance that You provide. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”

Fullness.  Completion.  Nothing else needed.  Overflowing with the presence of the indwelling Spirit of God. Nothing more needs to be said.  Rest in being “complete IN HIM!”

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911

In Christ - I am "in Christ"

I am in Christ Jesus...

I Corinthians 1:30 It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, Who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

Question: "What does it mean to be in Christ?"

Answer: Galatians 3:26-28 gives us insight into the phrase “in Christ” and what it means. "In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Paul is speaking to the Christians in Galatia, reminding them of their new identity since they placed their faith in Jesus Christ. To be "baptized into Christ" means that they were identified with Christ, having left their old sinful lives and fully embracing the new life in Christ (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23). When we respond to the Holy Spirit's drawing, He "baptizes" us into the family of God. First Corinthians 12:13 says, "For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink."

Several places in Scripture refer to the believer’s being "in Christ" (1 Peter 5:14; Philippians 1:1; Romans 8:1). Colossians 3:3 says, "For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." God is perfect justice. He cannot simply overlook or excuse our sin; that would not be just. Sin had to be paid for. All the wrath God holds toward evil was poured out on His own Son. When Jesus took our place on the cross, He suffered the punishment our sin deserves. His last words before He died were, "It is finished" (John 19:30). What was finished? Not merely His earthly life. As He proved three days later, that was not finished (Matthew 28:7; Mark 16:6; 1 Corinthians 15:6). What He finished on the cross was God's plan to redeem His fallen world. When Jesus said, "It is finished," He was stating that He had successfully paid in full for every act of rebellion, past, present, and future.

To be "in Christ" means we have accepted His sacrifice as payment for our own sin. Our rap sheets contain every sinful thought, attitude or action we have ever committed. No amount of self-cleansing can make us pure enough to warrant forgiveness and a relationship with a holy God (Romans 3:10-12). The Bible says that in our natural sinful state we are enemies of God (Romans 5:10). When we accept His sacrifice on our behalf, He switches accounts with us. He exchanges our list of sins for His perfect account that is totally pleasing to God (2 Corinthians 5:21). A Divine Exchange takes place at the foot of the cross: our old sin nature for His perfect one (2 Corinthians 5:17).

To enter the presence of a holy God, we must be hidden in the righteousness of Christ. To be "in Christ" means that God no longer sees our imperfections; He sees the righteousness of His own Son (Ephesians 2:13; Hebrews 8:12). Only "in Christ" is our sin debt cancelled, our relationship with God restored, and our eternity secured (John 3:16-18, 20:31).

Read more:

A video circulated on Facebook for weeks  last year that I thought was the best demonstration of what it means to be “in Christ.” I hope you saw it – now that I want to use it as an example I can’t find it anywhere!  The basic message is this – when we give our hearts to Christ – we are placed “in Him” – and when God looks at us, He sees Jesus!  All of our sin is washed away – and we’re clothed in His righteousness!  WE don’t often see it – feel it – or even act like it – but if we are truly a child of God it is a spiritual reality!  AND – if we can really “get it” – and live it – it will radically change us!  Are you “in Christ” today?  I hope so!  Sharon

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International
355 K Street, Suite H
Chula Vista,  CA  91911