Thursday, April 25, 2013

In Christ - I am crucified with Christ

I am crucified with Christ...
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Truth for Life - Alistair Begg/C.H. Spurgeon
May 30, 2012
The Deep Cost of Sin

"Christian, why would you play with sin? Has it not cost you enough already? Burnt child, will you play with the fire? What! When you have already been between the jaws of the lion, will you step a second time into his den? Have you not had enough of the old serpent? Did he not poison all your veins once, and will you play at the cobra's den and put your hand in the dragon's lair a second time?

"Do not be not so mad, so foolish! Did sin ever yield you real pleasure? Did you find solid satisfaction in it? If so, go back to your old drudgery, and wear the chain again, if it delights you. But inasmuch as sin never gave you what it promised to bestow but deluded you with lies, do not be snared by the old fowler: Be free, and let the memory of your enslavement prevent you from entering the net again!

"It is contrary to the designs of eternal love, which are all focused on your purity and holiness; therefore do not run counter to the purposes of your Lord.
Another thought should restrain you from sin. Christians can never sin cheaply; they pay a heavy price for iniquity. Transgression destroys peace of mind, obscures fellowship with Jesus, hinders prayer, brings darkness over the soul; therefore do not be the serf and slave of sin.

"There is still a higher argument: Each time you serve sin you are "crucifying once again the Son of God . . . and holding him up to contempt."1 Can you bear that thought? If you have fallen into any special sin during this day, it may be that my Master has sent this admonition to bring you back before you have wandered very far. Turn to Jesus afresh. He has not forgotten His love for you; His grace is still the same. With weeping and repentance, come to His footstool, and you shall be reunited in His love; you will be set upon a rock again, and your goings shall be established."
1Hebrews 6:6
One of the hardest things for me to watch are those who have come through our programs who either choose to go back to the lifestyle that ensnared them in the first place - and those who have never left in the first place.  I am always grateful that God gave me the strength - and will - to completely turn away from my old way of life - because it was headed nowhere.  GOD'S path has me headed somewhere - to a place of rest and peace without the drama and trauma of sin - and an eternity with Him.  Dear one - if you're ensnared - if you're trapped - it's never to late to fully reckon yourself "crucified with Christ" - dead to sin - alive "in Him!"  Turn away - and turn back - make Jesus your all in all - may His love for you be sufficient for all of your needs!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

In Christ - I am a temple of the Holy Spirit

I am the temple of the Holy Spirit...

I Corinthians 6:19,20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.  

From John MacArthur's Study Bible (1 Corinthians 6: 12-20)

"As one who is washed, sanctified, and justified eternally by God's grace, the believer is set free.  The Corinthians had done with that freedom just what Paul had warned the Galatians not to do:  'Do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh' (Galatians 5:13).  So in this section, Paul exposed the error in the Corinthian Christians' rationalization that they were free to sin, because it was covered by God's grace.

6:19 - "A Christian's body belongs to the Lord (v. 13), is a member of Christ (v. 15), and is the Holy Spirit's temple.  Every act of fornication, adultery or any other sin is committed by the believer in the sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, where God dwells.  In the OT, the high priest only went in there once a year, and only after extensive cleansing, lest he be killed (Lev. 16).

6:20 - "The precious blood of Christ is the price that was paid - and our supreme purpose is to glorify God in everything."

I'd never thought of it quite like that - we bring our sin right into the Holy of Holies - right into the presence of Jesus - who shed His blood so we could be free from the bondage of sin.  How our sin must break His heart!  How can we continue to drag our muck and mire into the sanctuary of the Most High God?!  I hope you'll take a really good look at your life and think about what you're bringing into His presence. 

In Christ - I am a new creature in Christ

I am a new creature in Christ...

II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 

KPRZ Encouragement for Today
April 6, 2011

Hidden Potential by Tracie Miles

“Christ sees your value and hidden potential. Do you?

“I was challenged by this thought recently after putting my son to bed.

“Every night, I receive the same request when I tuck him in. He looks at me with big, blue eyes, pokes his bottom lip out for sentimental effect, and asks for a bedtime story. Last night was no exception. As usual, I skimmed the contents of his room. Searching for an item that might plant a story idea in my head, I noticed his gray sock monkey.

“Instantly, my thoughts started weaving a tale about an old gray piece of cloth that lived on a shelf in a fabric store for many years. The story easily unfolded in my imagination as my little man sat wide-eyed, intently listening to the details.

“When the story ended, I kissed my son goodnight and immediately felt a gentle whisper in my spirit reminding me of the truth held in today's key verse. "You were once just like that little, old piece of fabric, but God transformed you into a new creation, too."

“You see, I started the bedtime story by explaining how this dull, gray piece of fabric would sit quietly on the shelf each day, desperately longing for someone to notice him. From his place on the dusty shelf, he had a bird's eye view of all the beautiful fabrics that held so much more potential.

“He admired the fabrics of vibrant orange and pink polka dots that would one day be transformed into frilly toddler dresses; the fabrics with elegant stripes that would make fine draperies for beautiful homes; the fabrics with tassels and shimmering coins dangling from their edges; and the myriad of fun fabrics, adorned with colorful cartoon characters.

“But he was just a boring old piece of gray fabric.

“Nothing special. Nothing elegant. Nothing valuable. Old. Outdated. Worthless.

“Certainly nothing worthy of being transformed into anything new and wonderful.

“One spring day, a frail elderly woman wandered into the store. The gray piece of fabric could tell she was a seamstress by the wrinkled tape measure around her neck and the rusty thimble on her finger.

“As she meandered around the store, continually brushing wisps of white hair from her face, she seemed to be searching for something special. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon the little piece of gray fabric tucked shyly away in the corner.

“He dared to think that maybe, just maybe, she would see potential in him.

“As the woman drew closer, his heart began to race. She gently picked him up and headed towards the cash register, adding buttons, fabric scraps, and thread to her hands along the way.

“When the seamstress returned home, she diligently set about her task. Gradually she transformed the piece of old gray fabric into an adorable new sock monkey, to be loved and cherished by her grandchildren. He made a difference in the hearts of children for many generations.

“The little piece of gray fabric, who thought he had no purpose, was transformed into something new in the hands of the seamstress. Although he felt worthless at one time, she looked beyond what he was; beyond his old life as a scrap of fabric. She saw him as something new, and helped him discover his value and hidden potential.

“After telling my son this story, God gently reminded me how I once felt much like that old piece of gray fabric sitting on the shelf. Ashamed, overlooked, unimportant, and paling in comparison to others. I didn't see how anything about me or my past — any of the old stuff — could be valuable. I felt like a scrap of leftover material.

“I believe God helped my imagination soar that night while sitting on the edge of my child's bed. He helped me remember that I have been transformed by Him, and although I spent most of life not seeing my hidden potential, He always had a plan and a purpose for me.

“Just like that little piece of gray fabric, which was transformed from something old into something new, we are new creations in Christ.

“Remember, Christ sees your value and hidden potential. And He wants to help you see it, too.

“Dear Lord, help me remember that I became a new creation when I accepted You as my Savior, and that my value is in You and You alone. Thank You for Your promise of having a plan and a purpose just for me. Help me to embrace the plans You have for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”

SO – how are you living today?  Like that piece of gray fabric – feeling worthless and unusable – or like the sock monkey?  (I’m not sure I want to life like a sock monkey – but you know what I mean!)  Are you living the TRUTH of who you are “in Christ” today – or do you still live like that old person who died with Christ and has been raised to a NEW life?  Unlike the fabric, we carry all sorts of baggage into our new life – old habits really do die hard – and it can feel like hard work to change and conform into His image.  Let me tell you a secret - it IS hard work!  That’s why it feels hard!  Every day we get the choice to live like Daughters/Sons of the King – set free – dead to sin – the Bride of Christ – a NEW CREATURE – or we can choose to drag that old man around with us everywhere we go.  It’s up to us – to you – to me – to decide how we’re going to live.  I hope – and pray – that you are choosing to live as that new person – radically changed for the Savior!  Sharon

Thursday, April 4, 2013

In Christ - I am dead to sin

Romans 6:1-4,17,18  What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?  By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?  We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. 

KPRZ – Encouragement for Today Devotional
April 10, 2012

I Gotta Die
Karen Ehman

"[I assure you] by the pride which I have in you in [your fellowship and union with] Christ Jesus our Lord, that I die daily [I face death every day and die to self]." 1 Corinthians 15:31 (AMP)

“My 14-year-old son has a fondness for iPod games; ones where a creature has to jump, twist, dodge and dart in an effort to stay alive. Often he plays them on our short commute to school each morning.

“As we drive, we go over pick-up instructions. (At the middle school after wrestling practice? Or at the high school if there is optional weight-lifting that day? And what time?)

“I also give my ‘Be sure your sins will find you out’ lecture that my own sweet mama often gave me.

“The man cub just keeps playing his game, acting as if he's not listening. But I know he is.

“Often, when jockeying for position in the parental carpool line, I will inform my boy it's time to get out of the vehicle. Usually, still engaged in the game he will utter the same phrase to me, ‘Hang on a second. I gotta die.’

“As in, ‘I'm still finishing this round. I don't want to power off just yet. Let my character finish this round until it dies. Then I will get out of the car.’

“As he uttered it this morning, it spoke to my soul.

“As a follower of Christ, I am to die to self. But so often, I do not. I elevate self. I promote self. I think little of the other person and much of me.

“But before I react ... before I hurl a harsh word ... before I pass judgment or speak unkindly to my husband or snap at my child, perhaps I need to take a deep breath ...

“To pause and ponder ...

“To say in a spiritual sense, ‘Hang on a second. I gotta die.’

“Die to self.

“Die to flesh.

“Die to my ‘rights’ that often result in my acting wrongly.

“Yes, Paul said it best in today's key verse, ‘I die daily.’

“Does this mean in everything?

“So often when we think of Jesus' admonition that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend, we think of the dramatic ways that might happen. We might jump in front of a car in order to get our friend out of harm's way. A soldier might willingly give up his life on the battlefield.

“But what if it also means that we learn to die to self in the every day details of life? In my interactions with others, especially those within my own family? These daily, hourly and even moment-by-moment decisions sometimes seem difficult!

“And, if trying in our own strength, they will also be impossible. It is at these junctures that we must draw deep from the power the Holy Spirit offers and let His proper response over-ride our natural and sinful one.

“So, the next time we want to react in a way to another person that won't please God, let's remember my game-lovin' man cub. And before we speak, let's take a deep breath; a pause that centers our heart, snaps our soul to attention and gently declares ...

“Hang on a second. I gotta die.

“Dear Lord, may I purpose to die daily. To both act and react in a way that pleases You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”

OUCH!  Dying to self doesn’t feel good at all – in fact, there are times when it’s downright PAINFUL!  BUT – there’s something about it that brings a sense of inner peace, too – when you know you’ve died to yourself and your own needs, you’ve just experienced a little taste of what it means to “life for Christ.”  It’s a question – and a choice – we need to ask ourselves daily.  Have you died today?  I’ve tried – but I have to admit that the flesh is a lot stronger than it looks!