Thursday, June 28, 2012

In Christ - I am chosen

I am chosen...

Deuteronomy 7:6-8 For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession. The LORD did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.  But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath He swore to your forefathers that He brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 

John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name. 

I Thessalonians 1:4  For we know, brothers loved by God, that He has chosen you... 

Ephesians 1:4-5 For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love,  He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will-- 

I Peter 2:9  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him Who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. 

August 31, 2011
Living Beyond the Shadow of My Doubts
Renee Swope

"You are a chosen [woman], a royal [priest], a holy [daughter], God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

“I stood in front of my bathroom mirror getting ready for a large event while begging God to zap me with confidence, or send Jesus back before it was time for me to speak. I had been struggling with paralyzing self-doubt that week, and it was making me question everything.

“Although I was honored when the event leader called months before, now I questioned why I'd accepted the invitation. And my internal dialogue was relentless...What if I forget what I'm going to say? What if my points aren't that powerful? What if they don't connect with my stories or laugh at my humor? What if...?

“When I turned around to put something in my suitcase behind me, I noticed a huge nine-foot shadow on the wall. I was surprised how big the shadow was and how much it distorted the image of my five-foot, two-inch frame.

“All of a sudden, I realized my uncertainty had also created a huge shadow—a shadow of doubt. It was distorting my thoughts and overpowering my emotions.  As I stood there looking at the humongous shadow, I sensed God whispering to my heart: Renee, you can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.

“Slowly I turned back toward the lights above the mirror, and realized I was no longer standing in the shadow. And, I also realized I had created the shadow by blocking the light.

“Shadows are created all around us when something blocks light. And so it is with the shadow of doubt. When we focus on ourselves and how inadequate we feel, or what others are thinking about us, we cast a shadow of doubt in our minds and block the light of God's Truth in our hearts.

“Yet, we were not designed to block the light or to be the light.

“We were created to live in the Light, by focusing on what God thinks about us instead. I love how John the Baptist is described as "a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light." (John 1:7-8, NIV)

“The same is true for us. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12b, NIV) When we follow Jesus closely in our thoughts, we find our confidence in Him.  As we shift the focus from our feelings of inadequacy to His promises of all-sufficiency, we can exchange our lack of self-confidence with lasting God-confidence. And in doing so, our lives become a witness, testifying of the One who called us out of darkness into His wonderful light (1 Peter 2:9, NIV).

“Are you ready to become a more Jesus-dependent, God-confident woman whose assurance is found in Him alone? If so, when you find yourself standing in the shadow of self-doubt, instead of wishing for more self-confidence, pray for lasting God-confidence! Then turn towards the Light so your heart can focus on and live in the security of His promises:

“• When you feel inadequate, remember God says: You are CHOSEN.
"'You are my witnesses,' declares the Lord, 'and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.'" (Isa. 43:10a, NIV)

“• When you feel unable or unstable, God says: You are ABLE.
"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights." (Hab. 3:19, NIV)

“• When you feel unworthy, remember God says: You are LOVED.

"You are precious and honored in my sight, and...I love you." (Isa. 43:4a, NIV)

Lord, Your Word says I am a chosen woman, a royal priest, a holy daughter, a woman belonging to You. Help me remember that You have called me out of the shadows of my doubts to tell others about the Light and hope I've found in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”

It’s really an awesome thing to be hand-picked by the Father of all creation.  The God of the Universe – the one who measures the heavens with the span of His hand – has chosen me – and He’s chosen you.  He didn’t choose us because of our own goodness – He chose us so that we would be His witnesses here – now – wherever He’s placed you.  Are you living in a way that brings Him honor and glory?  Or – are you living in a way that has compromised your witness of His place in your life?  I hope it’s the former!  He’s chosen you to do great things for His Kingdom - in His name – and that’s an honor we need to take seriously.  I know I have to check my own heart regularly to see if there’s anything that I need to change – confess – I want to be the best witness for Him that I can be.  That’s what He desires – and that’s what He deserves!

Sharon Pearce, Director
Silent Voices International

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In Christ - I am promised rest

I am promised "rest"...

Exodus 33:14  The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." 

Matthew 11:28-30  "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  

Hebrews 4:9,10 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

June 20, 2012
When Worry Makes Me Weary
Renee Swope

“As we drove home from a weekend in the mountains, I felt a heavy sense of dread and sadness. Laying my head back on my seat, I told my husband, J.J., "I don't want to go home."

“After talking through my reasons with him, I realized the stress and strain of countless commitments - at home and work - were taking a toll on me. I just wanted to go back to the mountains where I could rest.

“J.J. encouraged me to make a list of everything on my plate and ask God what I needed to cut back. At first I resented his suggestion. It felt like he'd just added one more thing I "needed to do." Yet I knew J.J. was right and eventually I made the list.

“Then I asked God to show me where to make changes. Much to my surprise the changes I sensed Him leading me to make weren't in my schedule - they were in me.
God didn't show me I needed to cut back at work or in ministry. He didn't show me our kids were in too many activities. He didn't lead me to take a sabbatical, although I was kind of hoping He would.

“Instead, I sensed it was worry - not my workload - that was making me weary.
I thought about the months leading up to this point and realized I'd spent almost as much time thinking and worrying about deadlines as I spent working on them. Some days my concerns about commitments and meeting people's expectations had consumed me.

“I had let my mind dwell on the possible outcome of several different decisions - all at the same time - and it left me depleted mentally, emotionally and physically.

“Honestly though, until I stopped and talked to God about it, I didn't recognize my mental mayhem as worry.

“My mind is wired to think a lot so I'd gotten used to the constant flurry of motion in my brain. Yet anxiety had crept in slowly, causing tangles in my thoughts, a tightening in my chest, and tension in my neck. Some days I couldn't stop thinking about ALL I needed to do.

“Instead of going back to the mountains to rest, I sensed God wanted me to find a resting place in His presence right in the middle of my busy life. Through today's key verse from Matthew 11:28, He invited me to come to Him with the worries that were making me weary.

“Do you sense Him inviting you to come to Him today?

“He promises a place to quiet your thoughts in His presence. "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" (Ps. 91:1-2 NIV)

“He offers freedom from the captivity of your concerns when you bring them to Him: "'Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. And I will lead you back from captivity.'" (Jeremiah 29:13-14 NIV)

“Today, instead of letting our worries make us weary, let's respond to God's invitation and come to Him - asking, seeking and finding a resting place for our restless thoughts.

“Dear Lord, when my concerns consume me, help me remember You are there inviting me to come to You and talk about all I'm thinking and doing. Show me if my workload or my worries are making me weary and help me trust You with both. In Jesus' Name, Amen.”

I think THIS is the “Sabbath rest” that the writer of Hebrews is talking about – a rest that transcends a day of the week – and becomes a mind-set that is so focused on the Lord that we are able to cease our restless minds.  It doesn’t come naturally – or easily.  Change is always difficult – and always requires effort – and always takes time to become a new “habit.”  If the Lord is impressing on you the need to make this change – to let Him take your cares and concerns – I pray that you will listen.  I have to admit that there are times when I’M so busy rushing around – doing what I think needs to be done – that I miss out on that rest.  It’s often only when I’m totally worn out that I remember where I should be instead of where I am – in the center of GOD’S will, resting in HIM.  SO – if you’re weary, take time right now to sit quietly with Him.  Then make the changes you need to make so that you can do that every day – no matter what else needs to be done, time with God is always more important – and more beneficial!  Sharon

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In Christ - I am created in the image of God by Him

I am created in the image of God by Him...

Genesis 1:26,27  Then God said, "Let us make man in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Psalms 119:73 Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn Your commands. 

Psalms 139:13-16 For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,  Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.

September 15, 2010

Defined By God

Shari Braendel

"The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord."  Psalm 45:11 (NIV)


“One word. Flabbergasted.

“That was the emotion I had coursing through my body as I sat at the coffee shop discussing my weight issues with a friend.

“I told her I had recently cut out certain foods from my diet, but was continuing to maintain my "happy weight," that number the scale just seems extremely happy to faithfully report whether I have eaten healthy and exercised that week or not. We had a good laugh as she described how sometimes she locks her scale away so she's not tempted to jump on it every day just to find out if she's still her same "happy" self.

“As a result of this conversation I realized that if I am not careful I can easily allow the scale, or the mirror, to become a compass that shifts my focus and points me in the wrong direction. It seems illogical, yet at times I look to this digital device, or this earthly reflection to gauge my emotional status and essentially define me.

“The Bible tells us that the God of the universe is enthralled with our beauty. Seriously? Yes, indeed! He thinks we are amazing and wonderful. Unfortunately, more often than not, we look in the mirror and only see our flaws; hair that's just a mite too frizzy; a tummy that's a bit too fluffy; and thighs that have a few too many dimples on them. My friend Renee likes to call her cellulite ‘the fingerprints of God.’ One time I shared that with a group of women, and one of them said, ‘Well then He must have REALLY big hands!’

“So, what would life look like if we accepted God workmanship? Can you imagine how different we would feel about ourselves if we glanced in the mirror and told God ‘thank You for making me so wonderfully’? If you listen closely, I bet you would hear Him respond, ‘All beautiful, you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you’ (Song of Solomon 4:7, NIV).

“No matter your size or shape, the number on your clothes tag or your scale, you are beautiful! Let's embrace that we are fine just the way we are because if God says so, then it's true!

Dear God, thank You for making me the way I am. Please help me to have more confidence. I will practice defining myself through Your eyes and not my own. I am grateful, and humbled to be Your beautiful daughter, and I can feel Your approving gaze upon me. In Jesus' name, Amen.”
This could not have been a more perfect time to be reminded of this myself.  My clothes are fitting just a bit snug – and I know I’ve put on some of the weight I lost two years ago.  The enemy would just LOVE to keep me fixated on that “failure” – but I KNOW the truth, and the truth is that my value has NOTHING to do with how my clothes fit – or a number on a scale.  My value – my worth – is ALL about who I am “in Christ” – and NO ONE – especially not the enemy of my soul – is going to steal that truth away from me! Now way – no how!  This hasn’t always been true – sadly, for too many years of my life I let the mirror tell me what I was worth – to the point where I didn’t want to look in a mirror – ever.  I’m SO glad God got me over that – and He can get YOU over that, too!  Emerse yourself in the Word – let the truth of who you are “in Him” define you – NOT how you feel – how much you weigh – or any other measure that the world would use to stamp their value on you!  Don’t let them hang a bargain basement tag on your soul, sweet Believer!  You are HIS – and HE’S in LOVE with YOU!  Just the way you are!  Hallelujah!  Sharon

Thursday, June 7, 2012

In Christ - I am a Friend of God

"You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." John 15:14, 15

Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
November 18, 2010

“I love the way that Jesus was such close friends with John. Their friendship was intimate and powerful, close and sweet. While on earth, they were inseparable. John was the only man who stayed by the cross.

“I also love the way that Jesus was such close friends with Mary, sister of Martha. He deferred to her. Lavished accolades on her. He even memorialized her when she wiped His feet with her tears.

“When I look at these warm and intimate friendships, my heart fills with praise that Jesus was... a man. A man of flesh-and-blood reality. His heart felt the sting of sympathy. His eyes glowed with tenderness. His arms embraced. His lips smiled. His hands touched. Jesus was male!

“Jesus invited us to relate to Him as the Son of Man. And because He is fully man, we can relate to Jesus with affection and love. It would be hard to trust God if He were only Prime Mover, First Cause, or Source of All with no respect to gender. It would be impossible to love a Lord who is only some vague, hazy theological concept.

“The essence of Christianity is knowing Jesus Christ the Lord as Priest and King, Head and Husband, Shepherd and Life-giver. He is the cornerstone of the church; that is, His body and bride and building. Knowing the Son of Man in all these respects has a relational and affectional dimension - yes, we can love God, and yes, we can love a Man.

“Thank You that, as the Son of Man, You understand every human passion, You feel every hurt, and You sympathize with every tear. O, Jesus, may Your favor of friendship rest upon me.”

Friends are so important in our lives, aren’t they?  Knowing that someone else “has your back” – or that you have someone you can turn to with ANYTHING makes it easier to face the difficulties and challenges of life.  Choosing friends can be a challenge for some of us – we’ve been hurt – we’ve been betrayed – we’ve been the subject of gossip amongst the very people we would call “friend.”  It hurts – and our natural tendency is to withdraw and put up a protective barrier between ourselves and anyone else who might hurt us.  The sad thing, though, when we do this is that we rob ourselves of experiencing the wonderful benefits of connecting with someone else!  And – it can keep us from connecting with our very BEST Friend – Jesus!  When we project onto Him our fears about getting too close, we miss out on the sweet communion that is ours “in Him.”  All we’re left with then is religion - and a cold, empty feeling in our heart.  If you’ve put up that wall, my prayer for you is that you’ll take steps towards the One who will NEVER hurt you – the One who died for you – the One who is longing to be in an intimate relationship with you – the One who is your Forever Friend!  Sharon